Remote Education Provision at Ian Mikardo

Information For Parents

At IMHS we are providing a rich and diverse set of educational and developmental interventions, activities and experiences for our students. Our school day consists of live lessons and activities, for the length of a normal school day, running between 9am and 3pm. We recognise that some of our students usually take part with bespoke interventions, including Speech & Language, 1:1 literacy & numeracy, individual support from our Well-being Team and other activities such as SoundSkool and therapeutic interventions supported by our Undergraduate Interns and we are pleased to inform that they will continue to be facilitated remotely. The weekly timetable will be sent to each student and their family so that you are informed of the scheduled activities for you child each week.

The virtual curriculum mirrors the broad range of subjects, activities and interventions that would normally be delivered in the physical school. This includes Maths, English, Science, Art, PSHE, Food & Nutrition, PE and also continues to incorporate Salon Skills sessions, so that we can maintain our focus on matters of health, hygiene and self-care throughout these difficult times. SoundSkool are continuing to provide sessions teaching music production and recording, supported also by continuing Digital Media lessons throughout the week.

Our virtual offer also extends opportunities for learning to the parents and families of our students and includes ‘drop in’ sessions through the week facilitated by our ‘Family Engagement Officer’ with contributions from a variety of professionals with expertise in parenting, dieting & health, nutrition and many other disciplines. We will also be providing weekly aromatherapy, Health & Beauty and Hair Styling sessions provided by industry specialists. Families in need of some ideas for lunches and dinners can access sessions with our school chef through the TEAM ‘Laura’s Light Lunches’ where recipes from the live sessions will be available to help with feeding the family healthy, tasty and nutritious meals.

Further to this, we are providing Adult Literacy & Numeracy sessions through the week, with opportunities to be entered for accreditation, which will allows parents to gain Level 1 & 2 qualifications, supporting progress towards employment or further education. Other opportunities exists for engagement with education courses provided through IMHS by the Bromley by Bow Centre, who are signposting families toward organistations in different boroughs that support families through a range of issues and opportunities.

All IMHS families have been supplied with computers, lap tops and IT equipment in order to access the virtual curriculum and brochures have been delivered to support access to the devises and TEAMS platform which is being utilised as the preferred virtual platform.

We will be providing new lap tops to all of our students through the course of this term and into the beginning of the next term and will also be responding with access to higher speed broadband within this timeframe.

Each student and their family have recourse to a ‘key worker’ who will be the primary contact for pastoral issues and each student’s tutor will maintain regular contact to keep you up to date with educational progress and development.

Our virtual timetable will continue to be in place until such time as it is deemed safe for our school community to return to the physical building of Ian Mikardo High School. For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home?

    The full range of learning opportunities available within the physical school are available online. The IMHS social curriculum includes; Photography, Puzzles & games, Model Building, Draw & Talk and the IMHS Fantasy Football League sessions as well as our drop in and catch up area for students to meet and talk with staff.

    Lessons in the IMHS Virtual School include Maths, Science, English, Art, PSHE/Careers, Salon Skills, Food 7 Nutrition, PE, Digital Media and SoundSkool Music production.

    The lessons are delivered live by Teachers & Teaching Assistants who are available to provide individual support for students through differentiated tasks, opportunities for smaller group work in ‘break out’ rooms and 1:1 intervention when necessary.

    Student tasks will be presented through a variety of means, including online activities, group quizzes and games, electronic and physical paper based tasks and of course, through interacting with Teachers & TA;s. We have also sent out a variety of physical resources in the form of books, stationary, paper based learning activities and art packs, which we hope meet the needs of each individual family and student.

    A student who has to self-isolate with COVID-19 will continue to have access to the virtual learning platform and should engage with learning as normal. We are always happy to send learning packs home to those families who request or need them.

  • Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

    Students at IMHS will have access to a full, rich, broad and balanced range of learning experiences through the virtual platform.

    As detailed above, students will access social curriculum sessions, Teacher led taught sessions, with continuing access to ‘Conversation Crew’ SaLT, 1:1 Literacy & Numeracy, Mental Health & Well-being sessions and support for emotional literacy and regulation with our Intern and Welfare Team.

    WE are seeking to further develop what is on offer by including OneLab creative design sessions and increasing access to the SoundSkool music sessions.
  • How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

    Students at IMHS will have access to learning between 9am and 3pm each day. This is inclusive of Early and Mid-Morning and Mid-Day Social Curriculum activities, four 40 minute subject based learning sessions and the morning and afternoon check outs.

    Secondary school-aged pupils working towards formal qualifications this year

    Students in KS4 & 5 will continue to study towards qualification and teaching staff are continuing to monitor and assess progress towards this outcome. 1:1 learning opportunities are available. The situation with regards to exams remains uncertain and we are continuing to collate evidence of student progress in anticipation that the grades will be teacher assessed as was the case last year following the summer 2020 examination season.

  • How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

    All students and their families have been provided with a computer or a lap top with the necessary equipment for accessing live learning online. This equipment should be used to access Microsoft TEAMS platform, through which lessons and interventions will be facilitated. User guides have been distributed to all families and our IT expert is available to support individuals with particular/specific issues or those who are having difficulty accessing the platform. Please feel free to call or email should you need assistance or a guide to help you navigate the virtual school.
  • If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

    We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

    Our most recent IT audit indicates that all of our families have access to the virtual platform and have received either a computer or lap top from the school.

    Our commitment is to provide all students on roll with a new laptop and to ensure that they have access to the internet through providing dongles or other supportive devices to ensure that all students and families can access learning and support as smoothly as possible.

    In the event that the internet should fail or experience an ‘outage’, we will deliver learning boxes to all students, including all materials and resources they need to continue with their education. We will keep in touch through phone calls for the extent of any internet failure and ensure that we continue our supportive interventions through this means for the period you are unable to participate online.
  • How will my child be taught remotely?

    We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:

    All IMHS lessons will be accessed online and will be teacher led and interactive. All of our teachers and TA’s have received training and continue to hone their skills through the use of the Microsoft TEAMS platform that facilitates our virtual school. This means that each student can expect to have differentiated support delivered in smaller group ‘break out’ rooms and the level of 1:1 support they would expect to receive as when in the physical building.

    Teachers will be using a range of resources to deliver their lessons which will include quizzes, question and answer sessions, individual learning activities, web based learning activities, video clips and other resources aimed at providing engaging learning experiences for your child.

    Each Student/Parent will receive their weekly and daily timetable which will outline any individual provisions they may have in place and will also indicate times at which those lessons/activities will take place.
  • What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

    We understand that parents will be finding home educating a challenging experience, perhaps especially for those students with siblings and competing access to devises or computers. We have provided a lap top or a computer to each of our students as a step to making things a little easier to manage at home. We are also providing learning support sessions for parents who may be wishing to gain a better understanding of how best to support their child with learning.

    At IMHS, we want to make sure that our Teaching Professionals are there to deliver, guide and assess the learning that is taking place through our lessons. For this reason, a member of our Teaching and Support staff will be available for all of the timetabled sessions, reducing any stress or burden parents may feel with regards to their child’s learning.

    Full daily timetabled lessons and activities are planned and in place to support our students to maintain a sense of routine and progress through the course of this lock down period and we encourage all of our students to participate fully. The range of experiences are blended to include formal and informal learning which we hope are balanced and enjoyable.

    We are a supportive learning community, eager to support families with the often challenging yet important task of engaging students with learning. We have a range of supportive measures and people in place who can provide advice and guidance when engagement is difficult

  • How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

    Each family has a ‘Key Person’ from the Welfare Dept. who are available throughout the week to support with any presenting needs or concerns that emerge. This Key Person will be the first point of contact for parents and will call each day to check in and find out how things are going.

    Your child’s tutor will also play a significant role, focusing more specifically on issues related to learning and education. The tutor will ensure that any issues preventing access to online learning are addressed including access to the virtual platform or sending physical resources should they be required to support engagement with learning at home.

    Engagement with learning and virtual attendance is recorded daily and the data sent through to the school leadership. The record of attendance includes engagement with virtual learning, ‘Face to Face contacts and Independent Learning.

    The school leadership meet weekly to review attendance with our welfare colleague responsible for recording and go through an ‘action plan’ to look at ways of improving student engagement.

  • How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

    Student’s learning and progress will be assessed in a variety of ways, including assessment for learning techniques, such as questioning and polling students and closely examining the progress of tasks during live lessons. Our Teachers use ‘Break Out’ rooms to ensure that learning and support can be differentiated and personalised to meet the individual needs of students.

    We also have in place 1:1 literacy, numeracy and reading sessions for students, whose progress against their targets is recorded after each session and they receive feedback on how they are doing. Our students will be assessed using testing of a more traditional kind, with subject teachers using ‘ summative’ test to get an indication of how much they have remembered and can apply in that kind of context. This is difficult to achieve as we are not in the same conditions as when in the physical building.

    We will also provide you with an ‘end of term’ report during lockdown, through which your child’s subject teachers and tutors will keep you informed of progress.

  • How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

    The full range of specialist and individual interventions will continue to be delivered through the virtual school.

    Bespoke interventions for our students include, ‘Conversation Crew’ speech & language therapy interventions, numeracy & literacy sessions, reading, mental health & well-bring support and further interventions from our Psychology Interns and Welfare colleagues who support the development of emotional literacy and self-regulation.

    Further interventions for parents and families are continuing including weekly opportunities to connect with a range of professionals through the ‘Parenting Group’ and opportunities to access sessions such as ‘Laura’s Lite Lunches’, Aromatherapy and Salon Skills sessions facilitated by our industry professional colleagues. We have opportunities for parents to access ‘reading Support’ sessions aimed at promoting health reading habits for our students and how this can be sustained with adult support.

    IMHS will also provide access to session for parents focused on literacy & numeracy skills, with the opportunity for those who are interested to register with functional Skills courses, leading to qualifications in numeracy & literacy.

    Out-reach interventions are in place to support students who may be experiencing mental-health or emotional difficulties during lockdown and these sessions will be arranged through consultation with families, our Welfare Lead and our Mental Healh and Well-being lead practitioner.

  • What about remote education for self-isolating pupils?

    Should a student be required to self-isolate, individual learning programs can be discussed with parents to help provide the best support for each individual context. We will offer virtual learning and the delivery of resources as necessary and allocate a specific staff member to coordinate and look after the needs of those in such circumstances.

  • If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?

    Students who are self-isolating will access virtual learning with the rest of their group where appropriate. Learning will be supported through the means described above and in the context of individual student/family circumstances.

Useful Contacts

For support from within the school

Contact our Main Office and they can put you in touch with the right person or department
Telephone: 020 8981 2413

Alternatively, you can email:
Lisa Tharpe
Deputy Head (IMHS) Trust Safeguarding
and Compliance Reporting Lead

Tracey Headlam
Assistant Head Teacher and (DT)
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children

Designated Mental Health Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jason Levine

Attendance and Welfare Coordinator
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Hazera Begum

Welfare and Family Support Practitioner
Rachel Roberts

Lead Inclusion and Welfare Practitioner
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Lynn St Phillip-Ross

For help outside of school

For advice if your child is unwell, contact:
NHS 111 either online or by calling 111

For welfare and emotional support:
Government Advice
NSPCC, offering support and guidance for parents and carers
Young Minds, Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544
Childline, for how to help your child cope with feelings of overwhelm

For advice for how to keep children safe online:
The National Crime agency
Internet matters
Parent Info
London Grid for Learning
NSPCC Net Aware

For issues of domestic violence:
If you are in immediate danger call 999 and ask for the police.
If it’s not safe to talk, alert them by pressing 55.
If you are not in immediate danger, the following helplines are advised:
Safe Lives, for information and helplines
For Economic Abuse
Tower Hamlets Victim Support 020 7364 7957 Ext. 2448
Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247
The Women's Aid's online chat service, open from 10am-12pm Monday-Friday
Men's Advice Line 0808 801 0327

If you are concerned you may be causing harm to another, call the Respect helpline 0808 802 4040